What is data redundancy with example?

Data redundancy

Data redundancy comes when the same piece of data has kept in two or more separate places and is a typical occurrence in many organizations. As more organizations have shifting away from walled data to using a single repository to hold information, they have discovering that their database has packed with inconsistent copies of the same entry. While it is difficult to reconcile – or even benefit from— redundant data inputs, it may help alleviate your enterprise’s long-term inconsistencies by learning, how to effectively eliminate and track data duplication.

How does data redundancy occur?

Data redundancy sometimes occurs by mistake, and others are deliberate. Accidental redundancy of information can emerge from a complicated, or inefficient coding method whereas deliberate redundancy has utilized to preserve the data and to maintain consistency — simply by utilizing the numerous occurrences and quality controls of data for disaster retrieval.
If duplication is deliberate, a central area or data room must be available. This allows you to update all redundant data records if needed. If duplication has not intended, it can lead to a number of problems we will describe in the following.

Understanding database versus file-based

The database, the organized collection of structured data saved on a computer system or the cloud, provides data duplication. A distributor can have a database to track its stored items. If two errors occurred in the same product, data duplication occurs.
The same distributor can store client files in the file system. When a consumer purchases more than once from the firm, its name might inputted several times. Redundant data has believed to be duplicate customer name records.

Whether in a database or in a file storage system duplication arises, it might be an issue. Data replication can, fortunately, assist avoid duplication by storing the same data in several locations. Companies may maintain consistency and obtain the information they need at all times through data replication.

What is the process of Logic Structure?

Logic Structure

A Logic structure is essentially a block of programming that examines variables and determines a direction in which to move depending on specified parameters. The phrase flow control specifies the direction the program goes (which way program control “flows”) (which way program control “flows”). Hence it is the primary decision-making process in computers; It is a forecast.

Types of Logic Structure

Algorithms and their equivalent computer programs have more easily understood if they mainly use self-contained modules and three types of logic, or flow of control, called.

Sequence logic, or Sequential flow

Selection logic, or conditional flow

Iteration logic, or repetitive flow

These three types of logic have discussed below, and in each case, we show the equivalent flowchart.

Sequence Logic (Sequential flow)

The rationale of the sequence had explored before. The modules have performed in the obvious sequence unless otherwise instructed. The order in which the modules have drawn may shown openly, via numbered stages, or implicitly. (See pictures 2-3). This basic flow pattern usually has followed by most processing, even complicated situations.

Selection Logic (Conditional flow)

The selection logic uses a variety of conditions that allow one of a number of possible modules to selected. The structures implementing this logic have referred to as conditional structures or structures. To clear, the end of such a structure has often indicated by the declaration.

[End of If Structure]

These conditions are described in three types, which have individually explored.

  1. Single alternative. This structure has the form

If condition, then:

[Module A]

[End of if structure]

If the condition is present, then Module A has run, which could consist of a further statement; otherwise, Module A has skipped and the transfer of control to the next phase of the algorithm is controlled.

2. Double alternative. This structure has the form

If condition, then:

[Module A]


[Module B]

[End of if structure]

If a condition is present, Module A will run, as shown in the flowchart; module B otherwise will executed.

If condition(1), then:

[Module A1]

else if condition(2), then:

[Module A2]

else if condition(M), then:

[Module AM]


[Module B]

End of if structure]

The structural logic enables the execution of just one of the modules. Specifically, it executes either the module after the first condition or the module following the last sentence Else. More than three choices will hardly occur in actuality.


The solution of quadratic equation

ax2+ bx+c=0

where a ≠ 0, have given by the quadratic formula


The quantity D=b2 – 4ac ha called the discriminant of the equation. If D is negative, then there are no real solutions. If D=0, then there is only one (double) real solution, x=-. If D is Positive, the formula gives the two distinct real solutions. The following algorithm finds the solutions of a quadratic equation.


Iteration (Repetitive flow)

One of two forms of structures with loops is the third type of logic. The following module has followed by a repeat statement for each type, termed the loop body. For clarity, the end of the structure has indicated by the declaration.

[End of loop]

There is a distinct discussion on each form of the loop structure.
The repeat-for-loop has controlled by an index variable, such as K. Normally the loop has the shape:

Here R is called the initial value, S the end value or test value, and T the increment. Observe that the body of the loop is executed first with K=R, then with K= R+T, then with K=R+2T, and so on. The cycling when K>S. The flowchart


Assumes that the increment T is positive; so that K decreases in value, then the cycling ends when K<S.

The repeat-while loop uses a condition to control the loop. The loop will usually have the form

Repeat while condition:


[End of loop]

Note that the cycle continues until it is wrong. We highlight that the loop control condition has to be declared before the structure is first initiated and a declaration must be made on the body of the loop that alters the condition in order to finally halt the looping.


How many data structure operations are there?

Data Structure

The data structure represents the logical link between individual Items for collection.
The data structure is a technique of arranging all collection components that not only take into account the stored elements but also their interaction.
We may also describe the data structure as a mathematical or logical model for a certain data array.
A storage device is termed the representation of the particular arrangement of facts in the principal memory of a computer.

The representation of the storage structure is termed file structure in the auxiliary memory.
It is described as the method in which data are stored and manipulated in a structured form to be efficiently utilized.
The data structure defines basically the following four elements

  • Organization of Data
    • Accessing methods
    • Degree of associativity
    • Processing alternatives for information
  • Algorithm + Data Structure = Program
  • Data structure study covers the following points
    • Amount of memory require to store.
    • Amount of time require to process.
    • Representation of data in memory.
    • Operations performed on that data.

Data structure operations

There are the following 8 operations on data structure as given below.

Creation: The creation of an integrated array of 5 values according to the criteria example. int ar[5];   //ar is the name of array

Insertion: Insert data structure values. The input of items into the arrangement of facts is possible in three ways: first, at the end, and at the appropriate location.

Traversal: At least once you visit each element of the arrangement of facts.

Search: Search for an element in the number of items specified. There are two approaches to search for the elements:
a. Linear Search: Easy approach to search an item.
b. Search Binary: works on the law of division and conquest.

Sorting: In a specific order rearranging the elements, ascending or descending. Multiple sorting algorithms exist:
        a. Bubble Sort
        b. Selection Sort
        c. Quick Sort
        d. Merge Sort
        e. Heap Sort

Merging: Combining in a single file the data elements of two sort files.

Updating: Update the current value with a new value in the program.

Deletion: Deletion from the arrangement of facts of the undesirable value. There are three techniques to remove a program value. These are: from the start, from the finish, and from the particular place.

Linear data structures

A data structure is known as Linear if its elements are logically or sequence-based linked linearly.
There are two ways to display linear memory storage,
Attribution of static memory
Memory assignment dynamic
The available operations for the linear data structure are: cross, insert, delete, search, sort, and merge.
The Stack and Queueue are examples of the Linear Arrangement of facts.
Stack: A stack is a arrangement of facts in which only one end is inserted and deleted.
The insertion procedure is called “PUSH” while the removal operation is called “POP.”
In First Out, the stack is also called Last.

Queue: The Data Structure that allows one end to insert and another end to delete, known as Tail.
The end of the deletion is called the FRONT end and a further end is known as the REAR end for insertion.
As first in first out Arrangement of facts (FIFO), the queue is also termed.

Nonlinear data structures

Nonlinear data structures are the data structures that do not arrange data elements in one sequence.
Tree and graph are examples of the non-linear arrangement of facts.

  • Tree: A tree may be described as a finite set of data elements (nodes) where data items are organized according to requirements in branches and sub-branches.
  • Trees indicate the link between different parts of the hierarchy.
  • Tree consists of nodes linked to the circle, the node represented by the circle, and the edge.
  • ​​​​​​​
  • Graph: The graph is a node collection (Information) and a linkage between the nodes (Logical relationship).
  • You may visualize a tree as a limited graph.
  • There are numerous sorts of graphs:
  • Un-directed Graph
      • Directed Graph
      • Mixed Graph
      • Multi Graph
      • Simple Graph
      • Null Graph
      • Weighted Graph

Difference between Linear and Non Linear Data Structure

Linear Data StructureNon-Linear Data Structure
Each object has to do with its past and its upcoming time.
Each thing has several additional objects attached.
Data in a linear series is organized.
There is no sequence of data.
In a single run, data items can be crossed.
In a single run, the data cannot be crossed.
Eg. Array, Stacks, linked list, queue.Eg. tree, graph.
It’s easy to implement.
It’s difficult to implement.


Compare the perspective of Greek and Western philosophers

Western Philosophers

Western Philosophers: The philosophical ideas and efforts of the Western world have referred to as Western philosophy. Historically, the phrase relates to Western philosophical thought, originating with the pre-Socratics’ ancient Greek philosophy.

The scope of ancient Western philosophy encompassed philosophical concerns as we know them now, but it also embraced many other fields, such as pure mathematics and scientific sciences such as physics, astronomy, and biology.


In this age of innovation and reorganization, when we speak of education. We immediately gravitate toward the humanities as the pinnacle of higher education. You may have wondered more than once how the notion of the goal and technique of education, which we refer to as “ever came into being, and who were the people who originally envisioned this system. Liberal education is like a strong tree whose fruits we see but not its roots.”


The pre-Socratic thinkers had an interest in cosmology, or the nature and origin of the world while rejecting legendary solutions. They had particularly interested in the world’s arched (the cause or initial principle). Thales of Miletus (born around 625 BCE in Ionia) was the first acknowledged philosopher. Who identified water as the arched (claiming “all is water”).

The fact that he used observation and reason to reach this conclusion is what distinguishes him as the first philosopher. Anaximander, Thales’ disciple, stated that the arched was the ape iron, the limitless. Anaximander of Miletus, like Thales and Anaximander, argued that air was the best candidate.

Unlike other philosophers who thought the Universe had converted into several things. Parmenides claimed that the world must be unique, unchangeable, and everlasting and that anything suggesting otherwise was an illusion.

Zeno of Elea developed his renowned paradoxes to demonstrate. The impossibility of Parmenides’ beliefs on the illusion of multiplicity and change (in terms of motion). Heraclitus offered an alternate theory, claiming that everything was always in flux, notably stating that one could not tread into the same river twice. Empedocles may have known both Parmenides and the Pythagoreans. 

He argued that the arched had made up of several origins, giving rise to the idea of the four classical components. These, in turn, had acted upon by the forces of Love and Strife, resulting in the elemental mixes that comprise the world. Anaxagoras, his elder contemporary, gave another notion of the arched acted upon by an external force, claiming that nous, the mind, was to blame. Atomism had offered by Leucippus and Democritus as an explanation for the underlying nature of the cosmos. Atomism had described by Jonathan Barnes as “the pinnacle of early Greek thinking.”

Classical period of philosophers

The Classical period of Greek philosophy has defined by Socrates and the two generations of pupils that followed him.

Socrates had a life-altering encounter when his buddy Chaerephon went to the Oracle of Delphi and the Pythia told him that no one in Athens was smarter than Socrates. After learning of this, Socrates spent the rest of his life examining anybody in Athens who would listen to him in order to explore Pithia’s assertion. Formal paraphrase Socrates devised a critical method for examining people’s points of view, today known as the Socratic Method. He had interested in human life concerns such as eudemonia, justice, beauty, truth, and morality. Although Socrates did not write anything, two of his pupils, Plato and Xenophon, wrote about some of his talks, with Plato also using Socrates as a fictitious figure in several of his dialogues. These Socratic dialogues demonstrate how the Socratic Method has used to investigate philosophical issues.

Plato Philosophers

Plato established the Platonic Academy and Platonic philosophy after Socrates’ death. This prompted him to consider epistemological issues such as what knowledge has and how it has obtained. Formal paraphrase Plato felt that the senses were deceptive and could not trusted, and used the cave allegory to demonstrate this point. He believed that knowledge could only come from everlasting, immutable, and flawless things, which led to his theory of forms. According to Alfred North Whitehead, “Philosophy is footnotes to Plato.”

Describe the Direct Memory Access (DMA) and Interrupt Handling

Direct Memory Access

Direct Memory Access (DMA: Here you may find a typical DMA procedure. The primary CPU and DMA device’s interactions have described. DMA’s effects on the inner cache of the CPU have also discussed.

Interrupt Handling: Hardware interrupts management of the processor has detailed here.

We have already looked at reading and write buses in this series on hardware fundamentals. In this post, we are covering DMA and interrupt handling. Direct memory access. Knowledge of DMA and interrupt handling is useful in creating programs that directly interface IO devices (DMA-based serial port design pattern is a good example of such a device).

Direct Memory Access (DMA)

The processor bus request signal has asserted by a device that wants to execute DMA.
The processor ends the existing bus cycle and then reasserts the device’s signal for the bus grant.
Then the gadget sends the signal have received by the bus.
In the change in the status of bus awards, the processor perceives the ack signal and begins to hear data and DMA activity address bus.
The DMA device transfers the address from the source to the target.
The processor monitors addresses on the bus during such transfers and examines if any changed locations have cached in the processor during DMA operations. If a cached address on the bus has found by the CPU, one of two actions may has taken:

Processor invalidates the internal cache input for the DMA writes operation address.
When a DMA type has recognized, the processor changes an internal cache.
The unit will release the bus by reinforcing the bus release signal after the DMA procedures are complete.
The processor recognizes the release of the bus and continues its bus cycles from the point of departure.

Interrupt Handling

Here we explain the processing of interrupts in a case in which the hardware does not enable identifying the interrupting device. In certain circumstances, software must examine probable interfering devices.
The interrupt signal has asserted by a device at a hardwired interrupt level.
The processor records the interrupt and awaits completion of the current command.
Upon execution of the current instructions, the processor begins interruption by storing the current contents of the register on the stack.
Then the processor switches to supervisor mode and starts a break recognition cycle.

The address of the interrupt service procedure is the address of the vector (ISR).
The ISR monitors all devices to find the interrupting device. This has achieved by checking on devices that might have triggered the interrupt status registers.
The control has passed to the interrupting device-specific handler when the device has located.
The ISR performs the “return from interrupt” command once the device-specific ISR procedure has carried out its task.
Executing the “interrupt return” command results in processor status restored. The processor is back in user mode.

Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle

Here we explain interrupting management in a case where the device that caused the interrupt has identified by the hardware. In such instances, on the hardware level, the precise source of the interrupt has determined.
The interrupt signal has asserted by a device at a hardwired interrupt level.
The processor records the interrupt and awaits completion of the current command.
Upon execution of the current instructions, the processor begins interruption by storing the current contents of the register on the stack.
Then the processor switches to supervisor mode and starts a break recognition cycle.

The interrupter reacts with the vector number of the interrupt recognition cycle.
The vector number received above has used by the processor and fetches the vector.
The address of the interrupt service procedure (ISR) for the interrupting device is located on the vector.
The ISR performs the “return from interruption” command when the ISR has done its work.
Executing the “interrupt return” command results in processor status restored. The processor is back in user mode.

Synchronization Requirements for DMA and Interrupts

Software engineers often have to work with an interrupt or DMA-shared data structures. It demands that the shared important areas receive atomic updates.

Synchronization With Interrupts

When an ISR shares a data structure, deactivating the interrupt in order to update. The region of vital importance is a suitable method. Be aware that interrupt deactivation should only be limited to the code that updates the crucial area. The interrupt delay has increased by maintaining interrupts disabled for a lengthy time.
The usage of interrupts at instruction boundaries is also a further option. For atomic transactions, a single instruction that performs both reading and writing might be utilized. You may increase the shared semaphore without triggering interruptions, for instance, if your CPU allows a direct memory increase.

Synchronization With Direct Memory Access (DMA)

Data structures are hard to share with a DMA device. At the limit of a bus cycle, the CPU can start the DMA procedure. In the middle of an instruction, a new DMA operation can be initiated (Keep in mind that an instruction execution involves multiple bus cycles).
The optimal technique to update important regions is to employ the bus cycle for reading modification. This instruction enables atomic updates to be done in crucial locations. Where the reading and writing in a particular bus cycle have bonded together.

Another possibility is to deactivate the operation of DMA, and when using these techniques, extreme caution should be applied.
Certain processors enable the deactivation of DMA operations utilizing locked bus cycles. The CPU may perform a lock command for deactivating external bus permits, and when upgrades for important areas are finished, the instructions for unlocking the bus allowance are utilized.
Another technique for preventing DMA may be the temporary deactivation of the DMA device, and for example, deactivating the Ethernet controller will make certain that DMA operations are not initiated when an update is done in a critical area if the activities are handled by an Ethernet controller.

Discuss the key processes management with examples.

Key processes management

Processes management is a thorough key to create things. Management is a process that highlights that all managers, independent of ability or experience, do some inter-related activities in order to attain their intended goals.

The Management processes include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Which managers use to successfully achieve corporate goals.

Managers must first establish a strategy, then arrange resources in accordance with the plan, guide people to work toward the plan, and ultimately supervise everything by monitoring and assessing the plan’s effectiveness.

There are 4 basic keys of Management processes activities;

  1. Planning and Decision Making
  2. Organizing
  3. Leading
  4. Controlling

Planning and Decision Making of Management processes

Looking ahead and predicting prospective trends or happenings that are likely to impact the working situation is the most important quality and duty of a manager.

Setting goals for an organization and choosing how to accomplish them is what planning entails. Planning is the process of making decisions about objectives and determining the best way to achieve them from a collection of choices.

The plan contributes to management performance by serving as a roadmap for future actions for staff. Planning entails selecting goals as well as routes to attain them.

Planning includes establishing missions and objectives, as well as the activities necessary to attain them; it also necessitates decision-making or picking future courses of action from among choices. In a word, planning includes determining what the organization’s position and condition should be in the future and choosing how to best attain that position.

Planning adds to managerial success by guiding future activities.

Planning and decision-making involve a manager’s capacity to anticipate, envisage, and look forward meaningfully.

Organizing of Management processes

Organizing has described as the process of bringing established plans closer to completion.

After establishing goals and developing plans, a manager’s next management job is to organize human resources and other resources indicated as essential by the plan to achieve the goal.

Organizing entails deciding how to put together and coordinate activities and resources.

The organization may also has defined as a purposefully organized framework of jobs or responsibilities for employees to fulfill inside an organization.

In an organization, organizing creates a structure of interactions and it has via these organized ties that plan have pursued.

processes management

Organizing, then, is that aspect of management that entails creating a purposeful framework of responsibilities for individuals to fill inside the company.

It has deliberate in the sense that all duties required to achieve goals have been assigned to those who can perform the best job.

The goal of an organizational structure is to foster the optimum human performance possible.

The structure must specify the work to have completed. The regulations that have set must also take into account the talents and motivations of the persons who have available.

Staffing has connected to organizing, and it entails filling and maintaining roles in the organizational structure.

This may have performed by establishing the jobs to be filled, establishing the personnel requirements, filling vacancies, and training staff to ensure that the allocated duties have completed successfully and efficiently.

Promotion, demotion, discharge, dismissal, transfer, and other administrative duties have also included in the wide responsibility of “staffing.” Staffing ensures that the correct individual has placed in the proper position.

Organizing has the process of deciding where decisions will have made, who will perform what duties and responsibilities, who will labor for whom, and how resources will have gathered.


The third core management function is leadership, which is the ability to influence others for a certain goal or cause. Leading has regarded as the most crucial and difficult of all managerial duties.

Leading includes encouraging or persuading organizational members to collaborate in the organization’s best interests.

Leadership is the process of establishing a good attitude towards their job and objectives in the people of an organization. It is necessary because it contributes to the goal of effectiveness and efficiency by influencing employee behavior.

Leading entails a number of deferment processes and activities.

The leading processor system includes the functions of direction, motivation, communication, and coordination.

Coordination is equally important in leadership.

Most writers do not regard it as a distinct managerial role.

Rather, coordination has seen as the essence of management, so that the individual efforts towards common goals may have matched.

Leading requires the ability to motivate others. Motivating is a managerial function that influences people’s behavior based on an understanding of what causes and channels maintain human behavior in a certain committed direction.


Controlling is the process of monitoring an organization’s progress toward goal fulfillment. Monitoring progress has critical to ensuring that organizational goals have met.

Controlling is the process of monitoring, comparing, difficulties faced and correcting organizational operations undertaken in order to achieve goals or objectives. Controlling includes actions such as assessing performance, comparing it to the current standard, identifying deviations, and correcting the deviations.

Control activities are generally concerned with the measurement of achievement or the outcomes of actions taken to achieve the goal.

Some means of controlling, like the budget for expenses, inspection records, and the record of labor hours lost, are generally familiar. Each metric also reveals if plans have developed.

If the discrepancies continue, rectification has recommended. When outcomes deviate from the intended activity, the person responsible must have identified, and the required steps must have done to enhance performance.

As a result, outcomes may have influenced by regulating what individuals do. The final but not least crucial management function procedure is controlling.

“There’s no use in planning without control,” as the adage goes. In a nutshell, controlling allows the strategy to have carried out.

All of its management functions have interconnected and cannot has skipped.

The management process creates and maintains an environment in which personnel, working in groups, achieve specific goals efficiently.

The major management functions, planning, organization, staffing, management, and control have performed by all managers. But the time and work spent in each function will vary based on the abilities and position at an organizational level.

Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are the 4 functions of management; which work as a continuous process.

What is the basic Network Topology?


Topology is a structure that connects computer systems or network devices. Physical, as well as logical aspects of a network, maybe described by topologies. Logical as well as physical topologies in the same network may be the same or different.


Point-to-point networks precisely include two hosts like a device, a switch, a router, or a server that has connected back to back by means of a single cable. Mostly, one host receiving end has linked to the other and vice versa.


Logically, the hosts may provide several intermediate devices when connecting point to point. However, the end hosts do not know the underlying network and see each other as if it were actually related.

Bus Topology

Both devices share a common transmission line or cable in the case of Bus topologies. The topologies of a bus can be difficult when several hosts simultaneously transmit data. Bus topologies then use either CSMA/CD or recognize one host as a bus master to resolve the issue. It is one of the basic networking methods in which a system malfunction does not damage other systems. But if the common communication line fails, all other devices will stop working.


There is a line terminator on both ends of the shared channel. The information has sent in one direction only, and the terminator extracts the data from the line as soon as it hits the extreme end.

Star Topology

All-Star Topologies hosts have linked by point-to-point connectivity to a central node, called a hub device. Therefore, the connection between hosts and hub is points-to-point. There is a hub unit that can be:
Device with layer-1 like hub or repeater.
Kit for Layer 2 like a bridge or switch.
System layer 3 including gateway or router.


As is the case with bus topology, the hub functions as a single failure point. If the hub crashes, all hosts have not connected to all other hosts. Each contact between hosts has carried out only via the hub. Star topologies ies is not costly to connect to another host, only one cable is necessary and it’s simple to configure.

Ring Topology

Each host has connected to two other machines in ring topology to provide a circular networking system. If a host attempts to transmit or communicate a message to a non-next host, the data has sent to each intermediate host. The administrator can only require one additional cable if one host in the current structure has connected.

Each host loss causes the entire ring to collapse. Each bond in the ring is thus a point of failure. There are techniques that use an additional ring.

Mesh Topologies

A host has bound to one or more hosts in this form of topology. The topologies has hosts connected with all other host points or could have hosts connected with just a small number of hosts on a points-to-point basis.

In mesh, topology hosts have often used as a conduit for other hosts that have no point-to-point connections. Two styles of mesh technology:

Full Mesh: All hosts have connected point-to-point to all other network hosts. This requires connections n(n-1)/2 for each new host. It is among all network topologies the most stable framework.
Partially Mesh: Not all hosts bind any single host from point to point. Hosts randomly bind to each other. There is this topology where certain hosts need to be reliable.

Tree Topologies

This is the most general type of net topology currently in use, also known as Hierarchical Topology. This topology imitates expanded Star topologies and possesses Bus topologies properties.

This topology splits the network into many network tiers. The network has bifurcated into three network device types, especially in LANs. The lower part is a network link layer. The middle layer has referred to as a diffusion layer that acts as a mediator between the top and the bottom layer. The highest layer, the centre layer of the tree from which all nodes bend, is the focal point of the network.

The relation between all adjacent hosts is point-by-point. Similar to the bus topologies, the whole network suffers if the root is down, even if it is not the only failure point. Each link has seen as a fault, and failure splits the network into an unattainable section.

Hybrid Topology

Hybrid topology has said to be a network system. That has many topologies in its architecture. Hybrid topology is the legacy and demerit of all the topologies.

The image above describes a hybrid topology randomly. The combined topologies can be Star, Ring, Bus, and Daisy topology attributes. Much of the WANs have linked via the topology of the dual ring, with Star-Topology networks mostly connected. The Internet is the most extensive example of hybrid topology.

Describe The process for a successful interview process.

The process for a successful interview an Effective Job Interview

The process for a successful interview your collection contains the digital stack of curricula, with certain candidates moving the telephone screen. Next step: interviews with individuals. How can you use the relatively brief time to understand — and test — a near foreigner? How many people should participate in your company? What would you think if an applicant is a good fit for you? Finally, you have the right to ask questions like: “What is your main weakness?”

What the Experts Say

With the work market improving and applicants getting more possibilities, it is increasingly impossible to hire the right person for the job. Claudio Fernandez-Aaron, senior advisor for Egon Zehnder, the global executive search agency, writes It’s Not the How or What but the Who: Surceasing the Surrounding Yourself with the Best.

Interviews have been conducted on career web pages like Glassdoor,” says Sullivan, HR consultant, San Francisco State University Management Professor and author of 1,000 ways of recruiting top talent. twill turn its eyes to search other options if the interview phase of the organization, frightening candidates,” he says. Your duty is to evaluate applicants but also to persuade them to remain. Here is how you can work with — and with — the interview process.

The process for a successful interview Prepare your questions

You have to decide exactly what you are looking for in a prospective recruit before meeting applicants face to face, so that during the interview you are asking the correct question. Fernández-Aráoz recommends that the process be begun by “compiling an attribute list” for this position. Sullivan advises that you turn at the top performers for encouragement and advice. What do they have together? How resourceful are these? What have they done before they worked for your company? How did they play roles? These responses allow you to establish parameters and to formulate specific questions.

Reduce stress

The various unknowns lead applicants to find work interviews difficult. How’s my interviewer going to be? How is he going to ask questions? How do I cram my workday into this meeting? What do I wear, of course? He advises corrective measures to reduce the cortical levels of the applicant. Say in advance to people about the subjects they like to talk about so they can practice. You are prepared to meet the person at an appropriate time for him or her. Explain the dres’ code of the company. Your aim is to “make them happy” to make your interaction constructive and professional.

Assess potential

Fernández-Aráoz says that the budget for the first interview is two hours. This allows you “truly evaluate the skill and potential of the person.” Look for “curiosity, intuition, dedication, and resolve” indicators of the nominee. The question then becomes, can this person not only do the job now but in one year if the world has changed he or she can do the job?” Sullivan says: “None can forecast the future, but every day, you want someone to worry about it.”

Ask for real solutions

Don’t waste breath on irrelevant questions like What are the shortcomings? Try instead to discern how the candidate deals with the current working conditions. “How are you hiring a cook, after all? Cook you a meal for them,” he said. Identify a dilemma for the staff and ask the applicant if she can fix it. Or define the mechanism used by your organization and ask it to detect inefficiencies. Note, says Fernández-Aráoz, the preferred attribute list. When you are searching for a boss who would have to control several people over whom he does not have official authority.

The process for a successful interview Sell the job

If the meeting works fine and you think that the nominee is worth it, spend time selling the job and company during the second half of the interview. However, if the applicant has confidence, he advises “tell the person why they think he or she is fit.” Notice that an interview is a form of reciprocal screening. “Make it interesting,” Sullivan says. Ask them if they would like to know anyone on the squad. He states that the right candidates to market the work are those who “live it.” “Peers give the company an honest image.”

Hamming Distance

Hamming Distance

Hamming Distance is a metric to compare two binary data strings. Comparing two equal-length binary strings. It has the number of bit locations in which all bits differ.
The gap Hamming between two strings, a and b have indicated as d (a,b).
This has used as the data have passed over computing networks for error detection or error correction. In coding theory, it has often used to compares data terms of equivalent length.

Calculation of Hamming Distance

We execute their XOR function (a line b) and count then the total number of 1s in the resulting string to determine a hamming distance of two strands.


Suppose there are two strings 1101 1001 and 1001 1101.

11011001 ⊕ 10011101 = 01000100. Since, this contains two 1s, the Hamming distance, d(11011001, 10011101) = 2.

Minimum Hamming Distance

The minimum hamming distance is the smallest in a series of strings of equivalent lengths of all possible string pairs.


Suppose there are four strings 010, 011, 101 and 111.
011 ⊕ 101 = 110, d(011, 101) = 2.
011 ⊕ 111 = 100, d(011, 111) = 1.
101 ⊕ 111 = 010, d(011, 111) = 1.

Hence, the Minimum Hamming Distance, dmin = 1.

The system state from Hamming has used to describe such basic notions, such as error detection and error correction, in the coding theory. Code C has said to be a k mistake, especially if at least the minimum distance of hamming is k+1 between two of its code names.

Take the code of two codes “000” and “111,” for instance. The difference between the two terms has 3 so that the error has found in k=2. This means that the error have observed where one bit has reversed or two bits have been reversed. Just “000” has “111” and the mistake cannot detected until the three bits have changed.

A code C has said to be k-errors if there has at most one codeword c for every word w in Hamming space, such that is at maximum k. In other words, k-errors are used to correct code only where the minimum distance from Hamming is at least 2 k+1 for two of its codewords. This has geometrically more readily understood as any closed radius k ball that focuses on distinct codewords has disjointed. In this case, these balls have also known as hamming spheres.

For example, take a 3-bit code with two “000” and “111” coding terms into consideration. Hamming has made up of eight thousand, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, and 111 words. The coding word “000” and the single-bit error words “001”,”010″, “100” both have a distance between 1 and “000” The codeword “111” has also used in 1 Hamming distance from the original “111” with its single bit mistaken words “110,” 101″ and “011.” A single bit of error within 1 hamming distance from the original codes is always in this code and the code will correct one error, i.e. k=1. The minimum gap from “000” to “111” from “000” is 3, satisfying 2k+1 = 3.

This way a code with the minimal gap d of Hamming between its code names will often detect d-1 bugs and right ̈false ̈(d-1)/2 ̈. The latter number has also known as the packaging radius or the code correction feature.